About Me

Hi! I'm Danny (he/him) - HCI researcher, musician, and software engineer. I'm a fourth-year PhD student in computer science at Virginia Tech, advised by Sang Won Lee. Broadly, my research interests include creative technologies (especially related to music), liveness in interactive systems, software engineering, and CS education. You can read more about my research here.

I previously worked as a software engineer at Google for ~5 years, but decided to jump ship and head to academia. Before that, I did an M.Eng at MIT, where I TA-ed algorithms courses and worked on a playful application for collaborative musical composition. Before that, I was an undergrad at MIT, where I double majored in computer science and music. During my time at MIT, I gave several piano recitals and chamber music performances.

If you'd like to contact me, shoot me an email at: danielmanesh [at] vt [dot] edu.